Tuesday, August 16, 2005

The messy room

i dun believe it. i really dun.
people keep telling me but i refuse to admit it.
Now i have no choice. pictures were taken by my younger sis bug.
alright. I AM A MESS. just weeks ago the room WAS clean.
i know i am untidy, but who doesn't? heh. my mum used to tell me that whether the room is messy connects to your life. what she is telling me is i am leading a messy life.
haiz.... and i agree. work seems to be never ending and judging from my work desk, it says pretty much.

is my life just going to be forever klutzy and messy? nowadays, i dun even try.
it's like when i drop my phone, spill gravy on my clothes, stumble or trip, blah blah blah.. i end up convincing myself : "it's cool. it's just me."
even friends are not the least surprised when incidents of such happens. hahaha. even i think i am invincible.
the never ending mess


beng said...

WAH LANZ!!! i tot this was bad.....

to be continued....

beng said...

a ball lying on the floor.. shampoo bottles lying around.. plastic bags... paper bags.. haversack... blanket not folded... clothes lying around.....

ANdy said...

speechless....... O_O!!!

Yang said...

wah seh! power.. more messy then my house! haha.. how you live/sleep huh.. hahaha

xerph said...

i defend u...
i think it looks comfy lor... looks lived in... gives e room more character... shows tt e person is being herself and does not conform to e social stereotypes of a gal having to be neat... she is her own woman.


apesyapes said...

this is what i call comfortable mah... my own style and i can train my nuah gong better. hahah

apesyapes said...

one more thing: my nephew also comes in and contribute to the mess lor! the soccer ball belongs to him. but i guess he doesn't come in so often liao cox he probably tangle himself with the clothes,plastic bags and all! hahaah

Hanny said...

Thanks april :D
you are such a wonderful girl..
you make me feel so much better about my room :)
which, by the way, IS clean.. :P

apesyapes said...

hanny> STOP lying to yourself. the truth of your room status will be out once your "girlfriend" stepss in. hahahaah, then i will hear the truth from her. :P

ANdy said...

>> hanny... u slut... ur room was in this status weeks ago lor.... kettle calling the pot black... :P :P... u 2... same same.... haha

Hanny said...

you all havent see my new room... i wait till my TV come liao then i take picture and show you all... now no same same. Apes in a Class of her own liao :D

ANdy said...

her room has always been in a different class from us...... hahaha....

apesyapes said...

hanny> tv no tv doesn't definewhether your room is clean or not.... besides, it's kinda cool to be in a class of my own. exclusive member nia leh! i tot i have given u the member card cox u deserve it? it should be in your post box soon.