Friday, August 11, 2006


finally, i'm making the time and effort to blog.

haven't been having the best time of my life cox loads of crap has been happening. from the major ones like my mum having an op, dropping my only communication tool into sugar cane water to the minor ones like gana scratch from my monsterous nephew,cooking at least twice a week, having hangovers from alcohol and mj. heh heh.

before i go on blah blah ing, a huge congrats to for the bdae boy, yang. this year is not too smooth for you so hope that my blessings will reach you and turn into lill angels to protect you k? :)

dun know why i am like aching all over which i suspect could be from the long hours dancing and drinking at MOS just the other night. though it was a farewell thingy for mussel, i guess end up i got high+ kev+ karen and her gfs+ Andy. heh heh, too much to drink to remeber the rest. but hey mussel, we will sure miss u and your ah peh patterns till sept.

till then, i'll pop over once i'm free. boss coming over my directions!!

P/S beng: *apes pats on beng's back and says: "congrats to your pay raise. Jia you!"

1 comment:

Yang said...

Thank you!!!!!!