Wednesday, November 26, 2008

this is really bad. i mean we all know that the economy crisis has already hit hard..

and it has arrived at my doorsteps. my client called this morning that they are planning to put the project on shelf till further instructions from their upper management..

hopefully by later quarter next year.. which means all the hard work for the past few months is only justified after that.. which means my fat bonus is going into the lokangs.. which means i am free till chinese new year unless there's a miracle.

next bad news is my other client is doing their reinstatement job. which means we have a project. but it's the LAST project cox they are closing the regional office in Singapore. And that's my 2nd client winding up their office in Singapore within 3 months..

and heard news that a friend "volunteer" to leave his job without his bonus else he will be asked to leave for "poor performance". that poor fellow slogged hard to his current position, trained in US and the only thing he could do is to leave in peace since his renowned Japanese restaurant has already closed the US branch. and news of them closing up more branches in Singapore is already on the way.

what else can i say? no matter how bad it is, i have to stay on. regardless. i am so going to endure.

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